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Social Skills Workshops: A change and a hiatus

It is with great sadness that we write to tell you that we will no longer be running workshops from ASPIE in worcester.

Due to mounting costs, ASPIE have asked us to pay a minimum of £30 room hire per half day. Unfortunately, as it stands we make £25 from one day of workshops and we are unable to afford the room hire at ASPIE.

So far ASPIE have been very generous and up until now they have allowed us to run our workshops free of room hire. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank ASPIE and Sarah Micklewright for their support and we wish them all the best in all of their future endeavours.

We would also like to take this opportunity to reassure and thank the members of our workshops and any individuals that expressed interest in attending the next set of workshops: This is not the end and we have already begun to look for a new venue that is accessible for you all. As a result we must take a brief hiatus, but you can contact Hannah at any point and she will get back to you as quickly as she can.

If you would like to register interest in future social skills workshops for people with Asperger’s syndrome or if you are a relative/spouse/sibling looking for support workshops please leave a comment and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your time.

Up next: A post just for the members of the workshops! Keep reading!

Photo credit: Karen Salmansohn
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